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My first taste of racism...

Like most feeling Americans, I've watched the events of the last week and a half unfold with a mixture of horror (at Trump's attempts to turn the USA into a police state) and immense pride (in that so many would risk their health to gather and protest.

Far more talented writers than I have shared their thoughts of George Floyd's murder, and on how America has responded in shock, horror then anger. So I want to share with you a short bit from the first chapter SUB-LEBRITY, about when I first truly noticed "prejudice" (as it was called then):

"At the time, many rural white Hoosiers wore their racism on their sleeves. They tossed the n-word around casually, as there were no blacks in their orbit to take offense. It would be years before I realized the n-word was actually offensive. It would be even more years until I’d actually interact with people of color. But I got my first taste of prejudice early, in kindergarten.
One day, a young girl and I sat down at a large doll house to play. There were two rubbery doll “families” to choose from. One was a white mom and dad, with daughter and son; the other was an exact replica, same color clothes, but with black skin.
Having been raised to be a polite young man, I gave my classmate first choice.
“I don’t want the chocolate family!” she snarled, as she snatched up the “vanilla” dolls.
I remember being surprised that she’d be so openly, unashamedly ignorant. I couldn’t understand her attitude, her apparent disgust at the thought of playing with the “chocolate” dolls.
I still don’t get it."
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